Ball Popper takes plug ejection to a new level!
- Quick
- Efficient
- Economical
- Versatile
The most popular Ball Popper is for the Ball 230 and 350 Plug trays, but other units are available
To see a video of the Ball Popper in action, click here!
ONLY £275
The ‘Ball Popper’ is designed to significantly increase labour efficiency in the nursery. The system also ensures that root disturbance is minimised at potting. The payback period is very quick!
The spring loaded ‘popper’ is supplied ready to use:
- Locate the top unit onto the selected base unpeg board; 360 (Ball 350) or 240 (Ball 230)

- Insert the selected tray fully into the Ball Popper
- With a firm sharp action push the Ball Popper fully down.
- Release the Ball Popper, which will spring back into place.
- Remove tray, Ball Popper is ready for the next tray.
Note; plugs are ejected from the cell and then fall back, leaving them loose in the tray and ready for easy transplanting.
This precision made tool is available at a price of just £275 per unit. This comprises of the Ball Popper top unit and the Ball 350 tray base peg board.
Also available the Ball 230 peg board: £75.00 each